Wellness Focused Policing Consulting Services
A Division of The Law Enforcement Survival Institute.

The Law Enforcement Survival Institute (LESI) is an assessment, consulting and training organization. We work with law-enforcement professionals and other first responders and their organizations who want to be at their best. Our focus is wellness and resilience. The Law Enforcement Survival Institute is supported by subject matter experts on a variety of topics around the areas of wellness, resilience, human performance and improving organizational culture.
We build resilience within individuals, agencies and entire communities.
We can guide you with practical strategies that will make these concepts simple and effective to create.
As Consultants We Can:
- Guide you, Advise you
- Train you, Encourage you
- Question you, Challenge you
- Be a Trusted Member of your Team!
We help fix what’s not working!
Wellness Focused Policing is a comprehensive wellness and resilience building process which incorporates nine critical areas of wellness under one strategy. We offer nine separate consulting packages to help you focus on the area that is most critical for your organization today!
Which one is best for you? (Mouse over the topic to see a description of the module)
Why is Wellness Important?
In this module we will guide you and your key leaders through a discussion about the importance of wellness in law enforcement and can help you identify why well-being is important to law enforcement personnel, both sworn and civilian, and why it’s important to the people you protect and serve. We can help you correlate wellness to the areas of risk, liability, injury, mistakes and productivity. We can help you recognize the vulnerabilities a lack of wellness can create within your agency. This package can help you assess strengths and opportunities that you can capitalize on in your organization.
Building Individual Resilience
Develop a plan for creating comprehensive wellness strategies within your people and for your community. This module can help you identify your organization’s specific needs in the area of building individual wellness and resilience. You will look beyond the individual to enhance how their social & family support systems help them professionally. We can help you correlate wellness and individual resilience to the areas of risk, liability, injury, mistakes and productivity. We can help you identify your organization’s specific needs in the area of building individual resilience, and can help you develop measurable strategies for the development of comprehensive resilience.
Building Agency Support Systems
In this package we will guide you to assess, enhance and develop all the wellness systems you need to support and sustain your people. We can help you discover the components of comprehensive wellness support systems, and assess the quality and impact of your agency’s current support programs. We can help you identify the most important things you need to add to your repertoire of support, and we can help you evaluate any potential weaknesses in your current support programs. We will challenge you about when agency support should begin and when it should end.
Building a Positive Wellness Oriented Organizational Culture
Learn about the three types of culture: a healthy culture, a wellness culture and a courageous culture. We can help you design and encourage the culture you need to support not hinder your people. In this consulting package we will guide you in planning how to create and sustain a positive wellness-oriented organizational culture. We can help you assess the nature and impact of your current organizational culture. We can help you identify a list of best practices for building a better, more positive culture and we can help you understand why people-focused wellness is a cure-all for a bad culture.
Promoting Wellness Leadership
This consulting package will help you plan how to define and promote Wellness Leadership in your organization. This module focuses on the importance, and elements, of positive, healthy and wellness-oriented leadership practices. In this module we will help you define Wellness Leadership and how to lead for wellness. We can help you determine why wellness should be a key component of leadership. This program can help you establish how to measure and encourage Wellness Leadership. We can also discuss the importance of the wellness of leaders.
Building Support Systems for Leaders
Leaders frequently avoid the available support systems but continue to serve their people while growing more vulnerable to their own trauma. In this consulting package we will help you define and create wellness support systems for your organization’s leaders. This package focuses on the importance of healthy people in leadership and how they can positively or negatively impact the health and culture of your organization. We can help you discover the benefits of healthy leaders and how to support them. We can help you appraise what happens if our leaders are unwell, and the cost of unwell leadership.We can help you evaluate why we need Support Systems for Leaders and why all support systems aren’t the same.
Wellness Driven Community Policing
No matter what your current level of Community Policing this package will help you take your program to the next level of community engagement. In this consulting package we will help you define and promote Wellness Driven Community Policing practices. This package focuses on the importance of healthy people in law enforcement and in the community. We need healthy cops to protect and serve healthy people. We will guide you to learn what your community wants most from you and how to balance that with your mission. Wellness Driven Community Policing is not a change in policing, it is a change in focus!
Building Internal Trust within Your Agency
Before we can build trust between our agency and our community, we must first examine all of our internal strengths and weaknesses. In this consulting package we will guide you define and quantify the impact that internal trust has on wellness systems and your people. This package focuses on the importance of promoting trust between people in line positions and those in leadership and how they can positively or negatively impact the health and culture of your organization. We can help you assess the impacts of a lack of trust within our organization, while you discover the benefits gained from building trust. We will also guide you to discover how to fix broken trust.
Building Community Trust
We cannot police without the trust and support of the people we protect and serve. Trust must be earned and will not be given easily. This module focuses on the importance of promoting trust between the people of law enforcement and the people they serve. We will guide you to define and quantify the impact that building trust has on community wellness and safety. We can help you assess the costs and impacts of a lack of trust between you and your community. We can help you discover how to build trust within your community and how to fix broken trust. A lack of trust between law enforcement and the community they serve fosters fear, uncertainty and sometimes anger.
Each Module Includes: A planning workbook, A process improvement workbook, 2 planning wall charts and 3 one-hour Zoom consulting sessions as part of the 10 hours of the total planning processes we will recommend for you to complete toward enhancing, or building your wellness initiative. At the end of our time together, you will have developed an action plan for the implementation of your chosen wellness enhancement initiatives.
This is not a quick fix, “flavor of the month” or a band-aid training solution but rather a long-term commitment to developing the comprehensive health and well-being of both law enforcement professionals AND the people they serve.
We can assist you in any of these areas for as little as $2500. Contact Us to learn more!
We have been working for over 12 years to build resilient first responders and have accumulated massive amounts of knowledge and information about what works and what doesn’t.
Other Services That We Offer Can Include:
- Individual, Organizational and Community Assessments
- Consulting to Determine or Support Existing Wellness or Resilience Initiatives
- Executive Coaching to Support Wellness Leadership
- Executive Mastermind groups to support and encourage best practices in leadership and wellness programing.
- Consulting and Training that Promote Trust and Positive Community Interactions
- We also offer In-Person, Virtual, Pre-Recorded or Blended Training
CLICK HERE to download a list of all of our programs and services.
CLICK HERE to download an informational sheet about our consulting services.
CLICK HERE to send us an email requesting a price quote for your agency!